August 9, 2011

How to write a rap song

The best freestyle MC in the world will never beat a solid songwriter.

After all, if you were to name your 10 best emcees, I'm sure all of them would have several songs that you know and love. There's a timeless aspect to songwriting; everything you've ever written and recorded is really a shot at immortality. You may know that Supernatural is the best freestyle MC in the world, but can you name a single song that he's ever written? One of the greatest freestyle emcees of all time, Juice, went so far as to say that recording is your only real shot at becoming a legend.

Rhyming Dictionary For Rap

Increase your songwriting ability with the following three steps:

1. Focus on effective brainstorming. The rhyming dictionary and thesaurus are your friend. Pick a topic, then use a thesaurus to generate similar words to use in your songs. Once you generated those words, look them up in a rhyming dictionary to find other words that rhyme with them. Very quickly you'll be able to develop an page full of songwriting material.

2 often change their pattern of rhymes. Rakim is probably the best example, if the flow pattern changes, forcing the listener to pay more attention to what you say you pay. The more attention you pay, the more likely to feel some of your best lines, and that's what it's all right?

3 Use as many different formats can track. No matter what drugs you can to a certain style, you mustkeep the listeners attention by various types of songs. Trying to fight the signs of the most socially conscious jam balance. Dance Mix songs with narration. If all your songs follow a simple 16-room bar3 verse format, you lose the crowd.

Good luck!

How to write a rap song