May 14, 2011

Should I get a Rap Rhyming Dictionary? I say no!

I am looking for this section: of course you should not just rap rhyming dictionary. Period.

Why? You may wonder why I'm so not ... after all, would not help, rappers, their game? Well, there would be no better than a true rhyme dictionary.

Electronic Dictionary

Here's why: As you say a few words in a dictionary that rap would not be an ordinary rhyming dictionary to find the opposite is almost always the case. Rap dictionaries are too focused on a genre, and thentend to rappers who rely on them to sound very cliche and worn.

After all, what is the most common thing people say about a great rapper? "His rhymes are so original ..."

Unfortunately, many young rappers follow these tips dictionaries, and the final sound like thousands of other rappers who read the same thing. If you want to stand out, you need to rhyme, no one has ever thought of using together, and believe me, no rapper I've ever heard isrhyme "monochromatic" with "melodramatic."

Guess what? I got it from a nursery rhyme real dictionary.

That are not real words in a dictionary of rhymes are original, and does not understand me wrong. It 's just that they are slang words that are everywhere, and therefore much less likely to sound fresh and original. My advice: go with the real deal and risk the original sound, rather than follow the masses ...

It worked for all sizes, and it should work for you too.

Just to keep yourMind works, here is a list of words I never heard a rap:


Should I get a Rap Rhyming Dictionary? I say no!

electronic dictionary and thesaurus

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